
  • 1. Representation theory
  • 2. Symmetries in integrable systems
  • 3. Symmetries in differential, difference and nonlinear equations
  • 4. Infinite dimensional symmetries and supersymmetries
  • 5. PT-symmetries, dynamical symmetries and superintegrability
  • 6. Loop algebras, W-algebras, polynomial algebras
  • 7. Q-algebras and groups, q-special functions
  • 8. Superstrings, cosmology and quantum gravity
  • 9. Conformal field theory
  • 10. Foundations of quantum physics
  • 11. Symmetries in particle physics
  • 12. Noncommutative field theories
  • 13. Symmetries in molecular, atomic and nuclear physics
  • 14. Quantum optics, coherent states and quantum information
  • 15. Condensed matter and statistical physics
  • 16. Symmetries in biology, chemistry and etc.

© 2025 Department of mathematics, FNSPE, CTU