Registration details

Registration opens: 1 February 2018.

Conference fee

The conference fee for participants is EUR 250 if sent before May 30, 2018 and EUR 125 for students.Registration fee after 30 May 2018 : 300 Euro, 150 Euro for students. It covers the conference materials, coffee breaks, conference dinner and the social programme.

Please send the registration fee to the following account:

Account holder: CVUT V PRAZE FJFI
Brehova 7
115 19 Praha 1
Ceska Republika
Bank: KB Praha 1
Bank address: Spalena 51 Praha 1 Czech Republic
Account number (IBAN): CZ1501000000195373100277

On all payments it is essential that you include information so we can identify your payment, otherwise we will have no way of knowing who it is from. So as minimum inlude your name and name of meeting Group32. Important: The participant has to pay the bank’s service charges. That means you must pay using OUR (not BEN or SHA) payment type (= all fees are charged to the sender).

For accompanying persons who wish to attend the banquet, receptions, ceremonies and excursion the participation fee is €125,00.

Registration deadline for scientific contributions : 10 June 2018

© 2025 Department of mathematics, FNSPE, CTU